Кто основал оренбург,

Кто основал оренбург

Thanks to his friends and relatives and being really innocent, he was set free at the beginning of and Elisabeth granted him an audience. The man has been living in this region since ancient times. Исполнение этого повеления возложено было на известного государственного человека, обер-секретаря, статского советника Кирилова; город, как говорит классический, доселе первенствующий описыватель Оренбургского края, Петр Рычков, в году действительно застроен был близь устья реки Ори:. Tere are many interesting buildings in the present Sovetskaya Street the former Gubernskaya, then Nicolaevskaya street. They are: gas, oil, brown coal, oil shale, ferrous metals, nonferrous metals, rare metals, stone salt, limestone, jasper, marble.

Nepliuev returned to St. Petersburg in May , after staying in Spain at the Naval Academy. Peter himself examined the young man. Thus Nepliuev very often came into contact with the emperor and was very much influenced by this great personality. Peter in his turn said about Ivan Nepliuev: "This lad will be a success". When in Peter the Great needed a reliable and able resident in Istanbul his choice was Nepliuev, who became a diplomat and a very able one. As such his name is mentioned in history.

In this post he remained for 14 years, until he returned to St. Petersburg by the end of as rear-admiral. On arriving to the capital he was promoted to the high rank of Privy Councilor and included into the College of Foreign Affairs as its member. In March, Nepliuev was made Governor in Kiev; he took an active part in the demarcation of the border between Turkey and Russia. He was dismissed, summoned to St. Petersburg and arrested. Thanks to his friends and relatives and being really innocent, he was set free at the beginning of and Elisabeth granted him an audience.

All contemporaries considered it as concealed exile. The post was not only lower than that he had had before, but he was to go to a remote area of Russia almost uninhabited by Russians and uncultivated. When was Nepliuev sent abroad? What did Peter the Great say about Nepliuev? Where was Nepliuev sent to as a diplomat? What did he do when he returned to Russia from Turkey?

Why did Nepliuev get into trouble? Where was he sent to in ? This tall, blond, blue-eyed man came from… 2. The legend says that Vasily the Dark… 3. That is why Ivan Nepliuev inherited… 4. At the age of 16 he lost his father… 5. Prince Menshikov arrived in Novgorod… 6. Nepliuev became one of its first cadets… 7.

Маринин Алексей Петрович

The year found him in… 8. He was greatly pleased with… 9. In this post he remained for 14 years… Nepliuev was made Governor… Thanks to his friends and relatives… All contemporaries… 2.

Compare it with the original from the text and make corrections if necessary. Explain your choice and comment upon your mistakes if there are any 1. This legend to refer to by V. Vitevskii in his monograph, where he to mention that it to relate to him by N. Nepliuev, who in his turn to have it from the family. С по год он учился морскому делу за границей. С по годы Неплюев был в Оренбуржье, он основал город Оренбург. Петр Великий говорил о нем: "В этом малом путь будет".

Nepliuev and his contribution into the history of Orenburg town and region 2. Learn them and put in the sentences of your own. Be ready to interview the students in the group Foundation of Orenburg After thorough consideration the new commander of the Orenburg expedition 1. Nepliuev found the Krasnogor place also not convenient enough and came to the conclusion to found Orenburg near the confluence of the Yaik and Sakmara rivers.

Since there had been a small fortress called Berdskaya here. The decision was made after he had seen all places himself. Both were approved. The ukas of relocating the town was issued on October 21, it reached Samara in November. In March a party headed by major general von Stockman, was sent to found Orenburg, on April 19 30 by new style , tbe corner-stone of the present town was laid with all necessary ceremony.

Byohkov writes that it was done "with appropriate public prayer and cannonade". Construction work began at once and it went on fast enough, so that before it began to freeze a rampart and a moat surrounded the construction site of the town.

Rychkov writes that though they were not finished they were sufficient to protect the town for the time being. The fortress and town were being built, under the supervision of those who had designed them -Galofeyev and Telnoy. An architect, Leithold by name, also took part in the work.

The chief supervisor was von Stockman. Write them down in the sentences of your own. Fortress The Orenburg fortress was based on an oval, though, as it can be clearly seen in the drawing fig. The reason for the change is not clear; it might have been the relief that forced the change. Originally there were 13 bastions designed, but it appeared that the high and steep hill near the river bank produced enough protection by itself and this allowed a change: instead of 3 bastions 2 semibastions were built fig.

Thus the Orenburg fortress had only 10 full bastions. The fortress enclosing structure was a rampert. The type was wide spread at that time. It was made of earth and partially stone clad. Stone was used not as a material of defense, but as that of construction to prevent the earth from sliding down or being washed down by rains; it was a means of fastening the rampart and the sides of the moat. The average height of the rampart was 12 feet, but it was higher in low places and lower in high ones.

Thus it lay almost horizontally. The moat was 12 foot deep and 36 foot broad, though not everywhere. A cross section of the main elements of the Orenburg fortress as it was near the northern gate in the XVIII century is shown in the drawing fig.

Here "5" is the glacis, "4" - the moat, "3" - the parapet or breastwork, "2" - the banket, "1" - the terre-plein. The parapet protected the defenders full hight. In order to shoot it was necessary to have a higher place, the banket, to stand upon.

The glacis - a very gentle slope - served to screen a part of the fortification and enabled the defenders to keep the attacking enemy within their firing range. The rampart began on the high bank of the Yaik, where now the cannon-memorial is placed. From here its direction was towards the Bursyantsev Street leaving its crossing with the Gorky Street outside the fortress. Then it lay along the Bursyantsev Street and its geometric continuation up to the "Dynamo" stadium.

From here its direction was towards the Volodarsky street. The fortress was fitted out with four gates, which were in the curtains, i. The northern gate was near the crossing of the Sovet-skaya and Volodarsky streets. It was the main gate, its first name was Samar-sky, then it was called Berdsky and finally Sakmarsky.

All gates but one changed their names within a bit more than 30 years. The renaming of the Yaik river led to the change of the name of the Yaitsky gate, it was renamed Uralsky or Vodyany Watergate. The western gate received finally the name Tchernoretchensky Blackrivergate after the nearest settlement in this direction. The name Orsky remained, but the gate changed its place after the Pugatchov rebellion, it moved a bit northwards. In the plan the first names are given. All gates were solid masonry and arched.

In the picture fig. Attention should be paid to the construction of the bridge, its middle being narrower than the rest of it. Here it was just as broad as the gateway and may have served the purpose of measuring the breadth of the vehicle that was to pass the gate. The gateways were of course covered along the whole way across the rampart. Such were the main elements of the Orenburg fortress; it was quite up-to-date for its time. Its defensibility was high enough to protect the centre of the vast region.

Find the main themes of paragraphs and give each one a suitable heading Plan of the Town The planning of the town was done according to the approved project, except the length of the latitudinal blocks which had to be shortened as the fortress was oval instead of being round.

Thus the streets in the longtitudinal direction changed their place. The planning was done according to, regular principles and it represents further development of the structure designed for Krasnogor. Here it has reached its completeness and "balance". The layout structure fortified the defenceability of the fortress in case of a break through into the town. It was not aesthetics only, or regularity that made the designers arrange the blocks in the way they are shown in the schematic map.

According to the principle of regularity the streets should have been arranged "correctly", thus if the rectangular scheme was chosen they had to cross each other perpendicularly and the town should consist of equal blocks. The streets in the network should cross the town from side to side thus being through-streets. From the first glance one can see that the network of the Orenburg streets is different, and defenceability must be the reason of it. The schematic map of Orenburg during the first years of its construction is given below fig.

The engineers did not come to such a structure at once. This statement can be proved by a comparison of the plans for all three places. It must have been done mechanically the cause of it being purely geometrical, because if you did not double the streets the blocks would be too long. At the same time the number of through-streets constituted a half of all radial ones.

Of course speaking of the geometrical cause one cannot exclude also the possible influence of the design of Petersburg a town-fortress in the Vassilyevsky island according to the variant by the architect D. In the design for the Krasnogor place see fig. So it is more likely that it was done on purpose, and the purpose was, most probably, to strengthen the defenceabil-ity. Here every second street lying in the direction from SW to NE there being one exception is screened by a block.

The protecting role of blocks seems most obvious in the SW and SE part. That is why the number of through streets is minimized.

Besides central ones there are four through-streets left near the rampart. They constitute a rectangle constructed on two reciprocally perpendicular main axes the present Sov-etskaya and Lenin streets. The streets of the rectangle had rocade function, they are the present Kobosev, Krasnoznamennaya, the 8-th of March and M. Gorky streets. The rest of the streets were screened by blocks but not so as in the second case at Krasnogor.

Here each block closed two and even three streets at once. So it could be enough to use small covering detachments to localize a break through in any part of the town, provided the blocks were properly built in conformity with instructions to build in one entire facade fig.

The localization of a break through at a gate would be facilitated by the position of the blocks along the gate axis. The latter case can be found in many fortresses in the West, but as to the whole planning it must be considered unique, there have not been found any analogous planning structures. The main cause of such a particular design of the layout must probably have been the special feature of the potential enemy - the nomads. Their main force was cavalry, and its action is greatly weakened if the horsemen have to turn.

Such are the specific-features of the planning structure of Orenburg in connection with its function - to be a fortress. Some other specific planning features will be discussed when speaking of the construction of the town. Here it is proper to mention the direction chosen for the streets. Thus the outer blocks on both sides of the main street cannot be symmetrical, and symmetry was one of the main points of regularity. The direction of the main street now Sovetskaya could have coin-sided with the long axis of the fortress oval because the ground was practically even and the high river bank permitted of some choice.

Of course we must not forget that originally the fortress was not based on an oval and the direction of the streets could be chosen more freely. There can be given several reasons for this choice, and it might have been conditioned by a complex of them.

A comparison of the plans for the second and third places of the town shows that the direction of the streets is the same in both. The direction of the prevailing winds as a reason seems unlikely as there could have been no preliminary exploration of the weather conditions.

В Оренбурге умер основатель известной английской школы

Whatever the reason or reasons might have been the fact remains that in the town there was not a single window facing the street, where the sun would not shine upon at least in the summer months. Answer the following questions. What conclusion did Nepliuev come to? Whom did Nepliuev order to make the draft of the town? What is the date of the foundation of Orenburg? Who supervised the construction work? How many bastions were there in the Orenburg fortress? What was the height of the rampart?

Where did the rampart begin? How many gates was the fortress fitted out with? What was the name of the main gate?

Which gate did not change its name? What may be the reasons of the specific town planning of Orenburg? What are the main specific features of the town planning? Make up 5 questions to the text 3. Render into English: 1. Оренбург основан 19 30 апреля года. Проект будущего города составили инженеры Галофеев и Тельной, всеми работами руководил генерал-майор фон Штокман.

Оренбургская крепость состояла и а 10 бастионов и 2-х полубастионов. В крепость вели четверо ворот. Все ворота, кроме Орских, изменили свои названия. Главные ворота назывались сначала Самарскими, затем Бердскими, а потом Сакмарскими. Настоящий Оренбург был спланирован так, что в случае осады можно было перебрасывать силы с одной стороны крепости на другую, минуя пространство около вала и не пересекая центр города.

Сквозных улиц оставили мало. Большинство прерывалось кварталами. Это было сделано в оборонительных целях. Find the following words and expressions in the text and make a note of where they occur. The distribution of parcels for the settlers was planned ahead. It was done on a strictly social basis. The blocks along the main streets - the Bolshaya since Gubernskaya, the present day Sovetskaya and Stabskaya now Lenin street were left for state-owned buildings, those of higher officials and officers both of the regular army and Cossacks.

These streets were broader and the blocks on both sides of them were broader as well measuring 30 bagenes. In the explications of the town maps of the first years it is written that these parcels are for field-and higher officers, officers of the staff, higher officials and other people who can have their houses built better than the others.

The main bulk of the Orenburg population consisted of soldiers and Cossacks. As garrison of Penza regiment was placed, in its honor the first name of the present day Pushkinskaya was Penzenakaya. As to Cossacks they were transferred mainly from Samara and Alexeyevsk, because after the planting of Orenburg and other fortresses both towns became rear ones.

Places were provided also for "gentry and Cossacks" from Ufa. Accordingly there were streets named Samarskaya, Alexeyevskaya and Ufimskaya. The Cossacks were to settle to the east of the main street but not immediately in it. For some time this eastern part of the town was called Cossack sloboda settlement.

The term "sloboda" mislead some scholars of Orenburg history and they made a conclusion that from the very beginning there had been a settlement outside the fortress, and such has been the general opinion since. But a thorough study of maps proved that it was erroneous. The southern part was left for artillerymen, they settled to the south of Proyezzhaya Street the first name of M.

Gorky street its north side had also houses belonging mostly to artilleryaen. The soldiers settled in the western half of the fortress. Here the southern limit was Proyezzhaya Street as well. The distribution of house owners is shown in the given scheme, fig. The dotted field shows dwelling places of different minor special groups.

The first place here is occupied by the so-called "svoyekoshniye", that is people living on their own cost, getting nothing from the state. Another group was formed by exiled people, but it is necessary to stress that there were no political exiles here at that time. The exiles sent to Orenburg were mostly craftsmen or tradesmen.

There settled also clergymen besides, they lived near the churches. Later that strict division of the population disappeared, but the places along the main streets remained occupied by the privileged part of the society. It was not only the location but also the space of the parcel for the house and outbuildings that differed.

The breadth of the blocks for privileged people was 30 sagenes as it was mentioned, the other blocks being 26 - 24 sagenes in breadth. Thus the depth of the parcel varied from 15 to 12 sagenes. But there were cases when the whole breadth of the block belonged to one house owner.

Such was, for instance, the case with Riegelman - a prominent person, military engineer, who reached later a high rank. That was rather rare though. The length along the street was also different. Most of the parcels measured 8 sagens, Cossacks had often 10 sagenes, but there were many of 6 sagenes as well.

Ataman Mogutov had, for example, 0. It is worth mentioning that already in in the very middle of the town facing the parade square there was a tavern of a Simbirsk merchant Ivan Tverdishev.

It was in the place where now the museum is, across the street there was a house belonging to him as well. At that time there was not a single building near these houses.

The nearest building also standing apart was about 70 meters away. This merchant was rather rich; he had about a dozen metallurgical plants in the Urals. Since then the first place had been connected with the "alcohol" business up to the early nineteenth century.

Such was the distribution of the Orenburg population, it fully corresponded to the class principle of the Russian monarchy.

Оренбург - первая столица советского Казахстана. Как Оренбург стал российским городом?

Where did the Cossacks live? What places were left for the greater people? What were the measurements of an ordinary parcel? Where was the first tavern of Orenburg? Who did it belong to? Mind their pronunciation 1. It occupies a very favorable geographical position.

The Orenburg region disposes of great amounts of mineral resources.

Проект на тему:

Their variety and abundance distinguishes the Orenburg region not only in the country but also abroad. More than deposits of 75 economic minerals are explored in the Orenburg region. They are: gas, oil, brown coal, oil shale, ferrous metals, nonferrous metals, rare metals, stone salt, limestone, jasper, marble. The unique gas condense deposit is characterized by gas saturation and high component varuety. There are a number of brown and stone coal deposits with balance socks of nearly million tons, greater part of them being suitable for open extraction.

The Orenburg region has white and gray marble deposits, the stocks being nearly 8 million cubic meters. There are also jasper deposits — 30 million cubic meters. Building materials are also here: sands, clay, limestone, chalk, gypsum, asbestos, cursed stone. The Sol-Iletsk stone salt deposits which is distinguished by the unique purity is of great importance, the stocks being million tons.

The region disposes of great industrial waste stocks of ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy and mining industry.

The waste contains number of precious, ferrous and non-ferrous metals. Enterprises of 70 industrial brunches situated in the region, export industrial production to more than 80 countries abroad. The leading part in the industrial structure belongs to the fuel and energy complex, machine-building, metallurgical brunches and agricultural enterprises. Metallurgical enterprises produce non-ferrous metals ores, cast iron, ferrous metals rolled goods, nickel and aluminum, copper rolled goods.

The head of cattle comes to thousand. The region disposes of favourable conditions for food-stuffs production: high-quality wheat, milk, meat, sun-flower seeds, vegetables and fruit, gourds. Where is Orenburg region situated? What distinguishes the Orenburg region in the country and abroad? What mineral resources are extracted in the Orenburg region? What is the unique gas condense deposits famous for? What are the characteristics of the Orenbyrg gas deposits?

Are there any building materials in the Orenburg region? Gas deposits in Orenburg. Mineral resources in the Orenburg region. The geographical position of the Orenburg region. Orenburg region enterprises. Agriculture in the Orenburg region. Read the text. Translate it The history of Orenburg is very interesting.

For the first time Orenburg was founded in August by the state expedition headed by the statesman Ivan Kirillovich Kirilov. It happened on the site of the present Orsk.

For the second time Orenburg was founded in August by the state expedition headed by prince V. It happened on the site of present village Krasnaya Gora not far from Saractash. It was done according to the advice of the prominent Russian scientist Vasily Nikischev. Finally Orenburg was founded on its present site by the prominent Russian statesman Ivan Ivanovich Neplyev.

Orenburg was planned not only as a fortress but also as an important center of commerce between Russian and Asia. The original fortress had 10 bastions and 4 gates.

In the 18th century the development of the town was rather slow because of the severe climate and the lack of population. The Orenburg province was the site of exile for many prominent people — poets Alexey Plecheyev, Taras Shevchenko; a composer Alexander Alyabyev and many others. But step by step the population of Orenburg and its province grew. In general the population of the Orenburg province was multinational.

At the beginning of the 19th century more and more buildings were constructed in Orenburg. More and more military and public institutions appeared in the town. In Orenburg was visited by A. Orenburg is the birthplace of the revolution poet M. Aksakov had a country-seat in the Orenburg province. He devoted many beautiful stories to the nature of the province. In the ies the development of the greenery in the Zauralnaya Roscha began under the supervision of the engineer and general Bikbulatov.

One can see his works not only in the local museum of Fine Arts but also in the Tretyakov Gallery. Orenburg was traditionaly famous for the Orenburg shawls.

Топонимика Октябрьского района Оренбургской области

They are real works of art. There are some examples of fine architecture in Orenburg. The famous Karavan Sarai was built according to the project of architect Brullov. Tere are many interesting buildings in the present Sovetskaya Street the former Gubernskaya, then Nicolaevskaya street.

During the revolutionary years Orenburg was the place of severe battles between the Red and White Army. During the Great Patriotic War many factories were evacuated to orenburg from the West of our country. Our People did their best for the Soviet Union for their courage and combat action service in battle — among them were poet Musa Galil and general Alexander Rodimtsev.

Now Orenburg is not only an administrative and industrial center of the huge region but also its major cultural center. The population of Orenburg is more than half a million people. The population of region is about 2 mln people. There are several institutions of higher learning in Orenburg, among them there are State Medical Institute, the State Pedagogical Institute, the State Agricultural Institute, the Polytechnics and some institutes where students study by correspondence and in the evening.

There are some training colleges — medical, pedagogical, technical, musical ones, several vocational schools and a lot of secondary schools. The first world cosmonaut Y. Gagarin studied at the flying school. There are many places of culture, cinemas, clubs, stadiums, parks. I like my native town Orenburg and I want it become more beautiful and clean. Factual foundation 2. Fine Arts museum Natural History Science Museum ПТУ 7. He realized the importance of new roads which could connect Russia with the rest of the world.

Orenburg served as a gate through which numerous trade caravans went on and on. Without forces and conflicts Russian sovereigns could find the way to cooperate with the people who lived there. It is still considered to be an unsurpassed example of the state, political and economical solution of the trade problem.

The trade zone helped to strengthen the frontier of the country; it was a source of income and a new way of importing gold, silver, food products, etc. The new trading way made the goods much cheaper. For many years Orenburg controlled by Governor-Generals was a townfortress over the Ural River and an outpost of Russia in the Southeast. The Governor-Generals were states- and military men ready to defend the frontiers of Russia.

The town-fortress never opened its gates to the enemies though cavalry crowds of warlike Bashkirs passed by it, though the Kazakhs rebelled, though Pugachov tried to attack the town but he had to retreat.

Оренбург/знакомство с городом/видеообзор/центр/набережная реки Урал/ул. Советская/сентябрь

New history gave new examples. Dutov army twice tried to attack the town in and in but they failed. The White Army was also defeated. New masters came to the city. The Hall of Columns of the House has seen many politicians and statesmen of the past and present - Kosygin, Gorbachev, Chernomyrdin. The power has been working in this building since that time. Hot discussions are held there.

And these people are responsible for their decisions, for the region, for the people who live here. Not opposition but co-operation is the result of the interaction of the two branches of power. Words and phrases to be remembered Revolt - бунт, возмущение, восстание, мятеж Sovereigns — монарх, повелитель, властелин, правитель; владыка Unsurpassed - непревзойденный, неповторимый Income - доход, приход, прибыль; заработок To retreat - отступать, отходить To fail - потерпеть неудачу; не иметь успеха in Legislative assembly - законодательное собрание To be responsible for - ответственный, несущий ответственность, отвечающий за что-л.

In its geological structure one can find rocks dating back to pre-Cambrian period and from modern Quaternary. The surface of the region is plain, hilly or low mountainous. Orenburg flora and fauna are extremely rich. The trout and umber are splashing in its foothills streams. The beluga and sturgeon come to the Ural River from the Caspian Sea for spawning and stay there for winter.

Quick saigas are running in the sun-dried steppe behind the Or. Brown bears, capercailzies and lynxes inhabit the forests of Shaitantau and Maly Nakas. The world of plants is also diverse. In the Buzuluk forest one can meet swamp sundew and near the river Ilek there is tamarisk which comes from the countries of the Persian Gulf.

In the South of the region swamps are neighboring upon alkali and sandy soils. The man has been living in this region since ancient times. He is using its natural resources and changing its face. Words and phrases to be remembered Natural conditions — зд. Quaternary - четвертичный период, антропоген последняя современная система кайнозоя Erosive - эрозийный, вызывающий эрозию; выветривающий; размывающий Slope - наклон, уклон, скат, склон; откос, крутизна, спуск Crust - земная кора Trout — форель Umber — умбра Foothills — предгорье Sturgeon — осетр Spawning — нерест Capercailzies — глухарь Lynx — рысь Swamp sundew — болотная росянка Alkali soils — солончаки Barrow - курган, могильный холм Sanctuary - святилище храм, церковь TEXT 3 Downy shawls were in popular demand.

The wives of peasants, merchants and aristocrats wore them. A lot of merchants came to buy shawls and to sell them on Russian bazaars and fairs. Sometimes downy shawls knitting provided the main profit of the population.

As well as two hundred years ago everything is done by hand even now. The secrets of the craft are learned from the early childhood. The first thing the future knitters learn is that the down loves kindness: the better you clean and comb it the thinner the thread will be and the shawl will be even.

When the shawl is ready it is washed and dried on the frame. Nowadays it is not a problem. So they were sold without washing and drying. Only small shawls, which were called "katetki", were washed and dried at home on the ceiling up to ten at a time.

Words and phrases to be remembered Downy shawl — пуховый платок Essential - существенный; внутренне присущий, неотъемлемый; затрагивающий существо дела Peasant - крестьянин, сельский житель Merchant - купец, торговец Knitting — вязание Craft — ремесло To comb - расчесывать; чесать; чистить скребницей Needles - вязальная спица Yarn - нить, пряжа Ceiling - потолок; полог, навес TEXT 4 Today, when the state frontier has returned to the position of the beginning of the XVIII century, the geopolitical importance of Orenburg is growing.

One third of Russian-Kazakhstan frontier passes through the territory of Orenburg region. It turns into strategic trade corridor for Russia and countries of the SouthEast.

Their productions form the basis of export the volume of which has five times increased since The most actively trade is realised with Kazakhstan. Other countries such as Uzbekistan, Kyrghyzstan and China also start establishing trade relations with Orenburg. There is an idea to revive Orenburg centre of political, economical, scientific and humanitarian relationships with Asia.

The conception of creating of free trade zone "Menovoy Dvor" is worked out. Its aim is to make Orenburg region a special integration laboratory for the CIS.

The first real steps in the electrification of the region were taken at the end of the ies of the XX century. The temporary electric power station in Orsk and turbo generator on the electric power station "Krasny Mayak" were started up. At the same time two heating plants were built in Mednogorsk and in Buguruslan. By the beginning of the war the capacity of the power stations was 88, kilowatt and they produced more than ,, kilowatt-hour. In the regional board "Orenburg-energo" was organized and that served as the beginning of the creation of the integral power economy system of the region.

The 50ies were marked by the swift increase of economical potential of the region, especially in the east. This needed accumulation of the power muscles of the region. In the construction of the Iriklinsky reservoir was finished. It contained more than 3,, m3 of water. In the narrowest part of the river there was built a weir, the only hydroelectric power station in the South Urals.

Houses and industrial enterprises of the growing Orenburg needed light and warmth. These problems were solved when in the Sakmara heat and power plant started working.

On the shores of the artificial Iriklinsky sea the first stone was put into foundation of the main building of Iriklinsky hydroelectric power station.

The mounting of the two power units with capacity megawatt each had been simultaneously done for the first time. In December the hydroelectric power station began producing electric current.

If you look from the road which leads to the "sea" the power station reminds a handful of light lost in the steppe.

It took only few years to build here a settlement Energetic - the electric capital of the region. The capacity of Iriklinsky hydroelectric power station of all its six units is 2, megawatt. It works in the structure of integral energetic system of Russia and sells electric power to Kazakhstan and other counties. The development of the gas complex near Orenburg led to the building of Kargala heat and power plant which started working in December Joint Company "Orenburgenergo" could have survived in difficult economical situation.

It has kept its industrial potential and staff. It consists now of four heat and power plants, a hydroelectric power station, six electric net enterprises, Orenburg heating net enterprises, "Energosbyt" and service enterprises. For about one hundred years the energetic capacity of Orenburg region has grown from zero up to three and a half thousand megawatt.

The length of electric nets of all kinds is 50, km, which is longer than the length of the equator. That is result of the XX century, the century of electricity. Words and phrases to be remembered Power engineering — энергетика Temporary — временный Heating plant - отопительная установка Capacity - мощность, нагрузка, производительность; пропускная способность Board - правление, руководство, совет, коллегия Swift - быстрый, скорый, стремительный Weir - лотина, запруда; водослив, дамба, перемычка Heat and power plant — теплоэлектроцентраль Artificial - искусственный, ненатуральный, неприродный Mounting - установка; монтаж, сборка Simultaneously - вместе, одновременно, совместно Electric current - электрический ток Staff - штат служащих; служебный персонал; личный состав; кадры; штаты TEXT 6 Many things are changing in our life.

Art is changing, too. The names of many well-known scientists, writers, artists and musicians are connected with Orenburg region. Dahl and A. Pushkin, L. Tolstoy and N. Uspensky, A. Alyabyev and T. Shevchenko visited it. Krylov, G. Dezhavin and S. Aksakov spent their childhood here. A special page in the history of the cultural life of Orenburg can be devoted to the Great Patriotic War. During the war Orenburg citizens got acquainted with the best performances of the Leningrad Academy Maly Opera Theatre.

They gave concerts not only in Orenburg but also all over the region. In Orsk the Symphony orchestra of the theatre performed the legendary Seventh Symphony by Shostakovich. Today lives of many well-known writers, artists and musicians are connected with Orenburg region. Interesting art exhibitions display the works of Orenburg artists. They also show their works abroad: O. Okuneva in India and Austria; A. Khanin in Paris. It is not only a tribute to the history.

It also shows the creative power and great abilities of Orenburg artists. Tatar Drama Theatre is also popular not only in Orenburg. There are some really good theatres in other towns of the region, too - in Orsk, Buguruslan.

Life of the famous musician Mstislav Rostropovich is closely connected with our region. He has visited Orenburg several times. Folk music festivals "Orenburg Downy Shawl" have become real musical events which attract attention of the citizens. В Оренбурге все есть: чего хочешь, того просишь; здесь какая-то смесь парижского с нижегородским, нижегородского с хивинским.

Это не Европа, но и не чистая Азия; от Азии наш Оренбург поотстал, но не дошел еще во всех чертах до утонченности главнейших русских городов. Оно, впрочем, так и быть должно. Оренбург город новый; едва прошло десятилетие, как он отпраздновал свое одновековое существование. Имя Оренбурга происходит от названия реки Ори и немецкого окончания «burg».

Имя этого города известно с года, когда императрица Анна Иоанновна соизволила повелеть выстроить в Киргизской степи на реке Ори город. Исполнение этого повеления возложено было на известного государственного человека, обер-секретаря, статского советника Кирилова; город, как говорит классический, доселе первенствующий описыватель Оренбургского края, Петр Рычков, в году действительно застроен был близь устья реки Ори:. Первоначальная мысль основания города в Киргизской степи принадлежит Петру Великому.

Соймонов рассказывает, что когда, во время Персидского похода, в присутствии Государя, зашла речь о торговле России с Азией, император изволил заметить, что хотя по Каспийскому морю и можно нам иметь с Персией и с береговыми народами коммерцию, но море ненадежно, пристаней и складов скоро сделать негде, да и трудно, а надлежит неотменно сделать коммуникацию с сухого пути, построить на Яике город, уставить военную черту, сладить с киргизами: оттуда близко Хива, а от Хивы и до Индии недалеко, всего переходу месяца два.

Следствием, между прочим, этой великой мысли была экспедиция князя Бековича-Черкасского, погибель которого даже поныне страшит хивинцев. Вместе с кончиною Великого угасли и помыслы о Средней Азии.

Но в году киргизский хан Абульхаир, возведенный потом государынею в достоинство хивинского хана, признал за благо принять присягу на верноподданство Русской Государыне. В это время прежние слуги великого царя, Волынский, Татищев, князь Урусов и Соймонов разъяснили императрице важность этого события и преднамерения Петра Великого, вследствие этого-то всеподданнейшего доклада и назначены были для строения Оренбурга обер-секретарь Кирилов и татарин, полковник Тевкелев, оставивший после себя любопытные материалы, касающиеся Оренбургского края.

Самый успешный ход делу устройства новой крепости дан был тайным советником Иваном Ивановичем Татищевым: он окончательно избрал для нового города нынешнее его место, выстроил крепость, населил ее, учредил дороги, основал военную линию, вызвал переселенцев, завел хлебопашество, положил начало горнозаводскому делу, ввел правильную разработку копей каменной соли и организовал порядок производства коммерческих сношений с залинейскими киргизами.

В Оренбурге были сосредоточены управления военное, гражданское и пограничное; развитие промышленных сил шло с блестящим успехом; едва возникнувший Оренбург рос не по дням, а по часам; но с года начались смятения у башкирцев, потом, в году, главное управление губернией перенесено в Уфу, в году начались частые пожары: Оренбург выгорел дотла и почти вплоть до начала текущего столетия не мог подняться из ничтожества, до которого доведен был стечением случайных обстоятельств.

Алексей Филиппович Чернышев — Виды города Оренбурга: Дом Дворянского собрания на Николаевской улице. Ныне Оренбург, в отношении к Оренбургской губернии, есть только уездный город; по географическому своему положению, он находится на этой стороне реки Урала, бывшего Яика, на границе Земли Оренбургского казачьего войска, огромной области, отделяющей Оренбургскую губернию от средней и восточной частей Киргизской степи, точно так же, как Земля Уральского казачьего войска отделяет губернии Самарскую и Астраханскую от западной части той же Киргизской степи Оренбургского ведомства.

Совершенно иное значение имеет Оренбург ко всему пространству необъятного Оренбургского края, в состав которого входят следующие области:. Как важная крепость и как средоточие управления всеми этими отдельными областями, Оренбург, естественно, вмещает в себе всю аристократию целого народонаселения края: все, что есть лучшего, пышного, торжественного по отношению к общественному положению, к богатству, роскоши, высшей образованности — все это дружно скопилось в одном Оренбурге.

Поэтому и неудивительно, что самые значительные учебные заведения устроены не в губернском городе Уфе, а в самом Оренбурге; в нем существуют именно:. Про медресе при мечетях и говорить нечего: они у нас заведены всюду. Школа для киргизских детей в Оренбурге: Одежда воспитанников. Классная зала. Оренбург город и военный и, вместе с тем, купеческий; но ни православные, ни мухаммеданские представители здешнего купечества не успели еще основать здесь ничего такого, где бы дети их могли усвоить себе знания, в каждом быту полезные, а в купеческом и подавно необходимые.

Виды города Оренбурга: Генерал-губернаторский дом на набережной Оренбурга. В Оренбурге круглый год, изо дня в день, ярмарка. Торговлю его можно разделить на внутреннюю, в стенах самого Оренбурга, на внешнюю, или на коммерческие обороты Оренбурга как с другими городами империи, так и с Киргизскою степью, и на торговлю заграничную, или на коммерческие связи Оренбурга с Хивой и Бухарой.

Виды города Оренбурга: Плац-парадная площадь. Вид от губернаторского музея. Справа в глубине виднеется обелиск , воздвигнутый в честь освобождения Александром I города Оренбурга от воинского постоя, позже перенесенный на набережную.

Все здания сохранились до настоящего времени. Слева направо: манеж драмтеатр , главный штаб школа , дворянское собрание институт искусств , дом для генералов педуниверситет , первая соборная мечеть осталась без минарета, жилой дом , Городская дума музей ИЗО.

Фонтан посреди Николаевской улицы переехал в центр площади и стал фундаментом первого памятника Ленину. Цифры, касающиеся до статистики города Оренбурга, не поражают своею громадностью.

В Оренбурге за год считалось 44 дома каменных, из них 25 казенных и домов деревянных, из них 8 казенных; лавок каменных , деревянных 99; жителей, кроме военного ведомства, мужеского пола три с половиною тысячи, женского до четырех тысяч; ежегодно рождается до тысячи человек, умирает до семисот человек; браков совершается до двухсот.

Фабричная промышленность ограничивается только первоначальною обработкою продуктов, получаемых от киргизского скотоводства: здесь существуют заведения для выварки клея, мыла, отливанья свеч, выделывания кож; но гораздо значительнее салотопни; их считается до двенадцати; сала топится тысяч на шестьсот рублей ассигнациями.

Пух этот в старые годы огромными тюками вывозился из Оренбурга в Ростов; там его перекупали оптовые торговцы и отправляли в Лемберг, а из Лемберга товар этот шел уж во Францию, откуда возвращался обратно к нам в Москву и Петербург, в виде превосходных кашмирских платков и шалей, которыми теперь снабжают нас московские фабрики.

Мы здесь, в Петербурге, предорого платим за пуховые платочки, косыночки, чулки, дамские пальто и прочие изделия, приобретаемые нами за иностранные; а этот, именующийся иностранным, товар выделывается у нас же, в России, и если не ошибаюсь, то преимущественно в Тамбовской губернии, и потом в Земле Оренбургского казачьего войска, на Оренбургской линии, на пространстве от Оренбурга до Орской крепости.

Там некоторые из этих изделий приготовляются казачками и распродаются по комиссиям в самом Оренбурге. Нельзя сказать, чтоб промышленность эта процветала: напротив, по рассказам здешних старожилов, она видимо клонится к упадку. Причина та, что правильной торговли этими изделиями нет; определенных заказов здешние мастерицы не получают; технических усовершенствований в вязаньи не придумано, а за плохим сбытом и промышленность эта, несмотря на давность своего существования, не приобрела в столицах и больших городах общеизвестности.

Если и случится в Петербурге приобресть, по случаю, роскошный с виду, нежный на ощупь пуховый платок, то, разумеется, мы платим вчетверо и впятеро дороже, чем этот платок в самом деле стоит на месте. Мне случилось видеть, между прочим, один такой платок. Еще здесь есть одно замечательное производство — это выделка армячины из верблюжьего пуха и шерсти.

Из простой армячины, то есть из грубого толстого шерстяного полотна, шьются обыкновенные армяки, бывающие в восточных пределах империи во всеобщем употреблении нашего простолюдья, особенно в Сибири; но в Каргале, в Илецком городке и в некоторых других, соседственных к Оренбургу, местах, полотно это выделывается чрезвычайной тонины, нежности и мягкости, особенно если к верблюжьему пуху примешать шелку или шелковых охлопьев.

Но в том-то и дело, что между производителями этого товара нет людей, во-первых — капитальных, а во-вторых — достаточно сведущих в разных знаниях для того, чтоб постигнуть важность механического прядения верблюжьего пуха, воспользоваться этим изобретением, применить его к своему производству и произвести благодетельную реформу в местной фабрикации шерстяных тканей. Разумеется, настанет время, придет срок, когда необходимость эта почувствуется, когда явятся и капиталы и познания, и когда все пойдет как нельзя лучше.

Однако ж то время, когда около Оренбурга должны будут возникнуть фабрики, еще очень от нас отдаленно. Числительность населения по сю сторону Урала и род жизни киргизов, а вместе с тем пустынность степи — пустынность в нашем, европейском значении этого слова — сами собою служат естественным указанием, почему здесь должна существовать только торговля, а не фабричная деятельность.

Торговля с киргизами, производящаяся в пределах Царства Русского, между реками Уралом и Сыром, но уж за таможенной границею, называется иными «заграничною» нашею торговлею, тогда как эпитет этот должен относиться исключительно к торговле нашей с ближайшими к нам старинными владеньицами Средней Азии, Хивой и Бухарой, и со вновь в недавнее время самостоятельно утвердившимся Коканом.

Политические и торговые связи наши с государствами… нет, виноват, не с «государствами», а с «ханствами» этой части Азии возникли давно; не кидаясь в туманную даль времен отдаленных, припомним только, что по реке Уралу распространялись Ногайские земли, что еще при царе Иоанне IV послы бухарские и хивинские трепетали взоров белого царя русского, и что еще в первый год основания нашего Петербурга юргенчский и хивинский хан Шайбадур присылал к государю Петру Великому посла своего с просьбою «быть ему у его царского величества в подданстве», на что государь тогда же и соизволил: быть ему в подданстве указал.

Об этом событии было сообщено публике к сведению в издававшихся в Москве от правительства «Ведомостях», в нумере от го марта года.