Kaliningrad warsaw bus

Kaliningrad warsaw bus

Выходите на Malbork. What about your big talking Diaspora, can they complain a little less about the less-than ideal situation in your country and finally start nation building? По гололеду аккуратно вел машину, не рисковал. Whereas gypsies, similar to us Armenians, strive to live for themselves and their clans.

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Do I make sense? Armenia always got very low gas rates from us. You want us Russians to continue giving you handouts - yet you want to continue looking Westward? But if the few extra Rubles now will hurt the poor in your nation, then ask your corrupt leadership to stop embezzling funds and start subsidizing natural gas supplies to low income families in Armenia.

We will increase pressure to the point where your leadership will have no choice but to join our Eurasian Union instead of foolishly trying to board a sinking ship like the European Union. The reality is that we are doing more than enough for your homeland. We allow hundreds-of-thousands of your people to freely work in Russia and send back billions of dollars in remittances every year.

We are your largest trading partner. We are your largest investor. We make sure your atomic power plant stays operational.

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We protect your western borders against Turkey. We provide you arms against Azerbaijan that you would not be able to afford otherwise What else do you people want from us, all expenses paid for vacations to Antalia for each and every Armenian citizen? What about you start carrying your weight? What about your big talking Diaspora, can they complain a little less about the less-than ideal situation in your country and finally start nation building? I was now feeling a bit embarrassed.

Everything they said made perfect sense to me. It was as if they were repeating things I have been telling Armenians for many years. I was nevertheless very impressed by their wisdom and professionalism. Finally, I thanked them, we shook hands and hugged. I promised them that I will return. They gently smiled, and promised to make sure Armenia remains Turk-free.

But they also said that if Armenia makes the foolish mistake of getting too close to the West, there will be a very heavy price to pay.

They also told me a few things about regional politics which they asked me not to disclose. Although I currently am in Armenia, the story I just recounted above was nonetheless a parable that I made up because I recognized a long time ago that most Armenians today understand parables better than politics. However, if my parable was not enough to help you better understand this topic, please continue reading:.

Some of the individuals in question are demanding that Armenia freezes all relations with Russia; some are demanding that Russia provide proof that the Turk they recently shot and killed on the Armenian-Turkish border had in realty entered Armenia; some are questioning whether Armenia should host a Russian military base; some are wondering whether Russia is a "friend or foe"; and some are claiming that Russia is "preparing the genocide of Armenians".

And the reason why they all seem emboldened lately are signals from Yerevan that Armenia desires to enter into a closer relationship with the Western world. Please read it if you have not yet done so -. Is Russophilia hindering Armenia? Every time Baku acquires Russian-made arms, I hear a lot of silly nonsense spoken by a lot of people who have absolutely no working knowledge of the topic they are expressing strong opinions on.

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Those of you who may be of this sort, please do me this favor: Those of you who do not have military experience; those of you who do not understand military matters; and those of you who do not understand the fluid complexities of regional geopolitics - please shut up! These kinds of topics things that the average person simply does not understand are being exploited and utilized as part of an organized information war against Moscow.

Their ultimate goal, as you should already know, is to severe Armenia from Russia. This military support by Moscow is the only reason why Yerevan has been able to hold its own against a big spending Baku. Moscow has made sure that for every kind of tank Azerbaijan possesses in its armed forces, Armenia has ample anti-tank weapons systems that can effectively counter it. Moscow has made sure that for every type of aircraft Azerbaijan possesses in its armed forces, Armenia has ample anti-aircraft weapons systems that can effectively counter it.

If Baku has the hundreds of millions of dollars to waste on weapons systems that will do them no good against Armenia, they can go right ahead and waste their money.

The multiple launch rocket system known as Smerch, perhaps one of the deadliest artillery systems in the world, is actually more of a concern for Armenian forces. However, the Azeri military is capable of mustering similar firepower, with perhaps more effort, by utilizing other weapons systems already in their military arsenal.

Therefore, there is not much to worry about from a tactical, military perspective. As I stated in my previous blog commentary, I personally believe that the recent gas rate hike and arms shipments to Baku are connected to this matter. Moscow is putting pressure on Yerevan. We rather make the money. The official went on to say: We know best what are the capabilities of the arms we are selling them, we can use this knowledge to defeat them in the future if we had to. This is the point: Russian officials will sell military hardware to Azerbaijan simply because, as noted above, if they do not someone else will.

In fact, Turkey, Ukraine, Israel, certain European countries and the US have been training Azeri special forces troops and selling various kinds of weaponry to Baku.

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Moreover, Moscow does not want to totally alienate Baku especially at a time when Moscow has had a series of political successes in the region. After all, we must take into account that there is no hostility between Moscow and Baku.

It would be utterly foolish of Moscow to alienated or antagonized Baku any further than they have already been doing for the past twenty years. Moreover, despite what weapons Baku purchases from the Russian Federation, Russian officials and political experts have spared no efforts in sternly warning Baku that Moscow would not tolerate any attempt by Azeri forces to resume military hostilities against Armenia or Artsakh.

Can Armenia exploit Russian actions in the Caucasus? Their rhetoric is a little look at Western sponsored but Armenian style hysteria and political illiteracy. Baku has the money to spend on arms, and arms sellers are many in this world. Therefore, from a Russian perspective, why give up on a billion dollar arms deal especially when there are international competitors salivating at such an opportunity?

By providing weapons to Baku, Moscow secures leverage over Baku. Moscow ensures Azeri dependence because training and replacement parts to such weapon systems can only be provided by Russia. More importantly, Moscow can also, at least to a certain degree, dictate the terms of their use and help Armenia defeat the weaponry in question if need be. And we know that Moscow has for years made it very clear to Baku that it will not tolerate any form of military aggression against Armenia or Artsakh.

Moreover, for every weapons system that Baku possesses regardless of their origin, Moscow makes sure to provide Armenia with arms that can defeat it. Merely days after Moscow announced its arms sale to Baku, high ranking military officials from the Russian Federation visited Armenia to calm fears and to sign far-reaching military cooperation agreements. But s ince we Armenians have tunnel vision, debilitating emotional problems and are generally speaking politically illiterate, we are not noticing it.

Despite what our Western mercenaries want us Armenians to believe, there is absolutely nothing tragic or backstabbing about Moscow selling arms to Baku. Who will official Yerevan then rely on for its energy needs, trade needs, employment needs, financial needs? The US?

The worthless Diaspora? Remember the formula: For Armenia, independence from Russia will only result in dependence on Turkey. The only major political entity in the world that has a strategic interest in seeing Armenia exist as a nation-state in the south Caucasus is the Russian Federation. Therefore, Armenia is by-default dependent on Russia. Who was naive enough to think Armenia today could have been an independent nation?

A nation that is not old enough or mature enough to even wipe its behind cannot dictate terms on the international stage.

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A tiny, impoverished, blockaded, landlocked and remote nation stuck in one of the most volatile geographic zones in the world cannot be independent in any regard. Having said that, there are only a handful of independent nations on earth today and the Russian Federation is perhaps the most independent i. Speaking of Paruyr Hayrikian the former "dissident" who thinks the "KGB" and "imperial Russia" are still after him : Please watch the following press conference he gave a couple of years ago: He is claiming, with a straight face nonetheless, that if Armenia does not quickly turn into a democracy, US forces will not intervene to save Armenia when, according to him, a vastly more powerful Azerbaijan attacks Armenia.

Makes you wonder where was the US when Turkey invaded northern Cyprus? Hayrikyan is shamelessly suggesting that officials in Washington are in the business of protecting democracies against tyrannies, and goes on to suggest that the US is not happy with Armenia because Armenia is turning into a "filthy Russian province".

Please listen to this -. What we need to keep in mind here is that these are the kind of people who want to lead Armenia These are the people setting the pace of the political culture in Armenia today.

in the bus from Klaipeda/Lithuania to Kaliningrad (amber route)

If we follow the advise of our Western mercenaries and genuinely piss-off Moscow, Artskah will fall into Azeri hands the very next day. And i f we follow the advise of our Western mercenaries and partake in the Western agenda to expel Russia from the south Caucasus, Armenia will fall into Turkish hands the day after. For example: The reason why our liberation struggle for Artsakh was getting no where until was because the Soviet Politburo was trying hard to preserve the territorial integrity of the Soviet Union.

Whereas Armenia was a problem for Soviet officials during the late Soviet period, with the subsequent independence of the three Soviet republics in the south Caucasus, Armenia all of a sudden became a very strategic foothold for Moscow. For the foreseeable future, as long as Islamists, pan-Turkists and Anglo-American-Zionist interests continue to pose a threat in the region, Armenia will continue playing a very important role for Kremlin officials.

For Russian officials, this geostrategic calculation will remain firmly in place for the foreseeable future. For us Armenians, this is a historic opportunity. There are no free meals in politics. Why should Russians blindly trust Armenians to begin with? Do Armenians blindly trust Russia?

Has anyone noticed how the influential American-Armenian community is promoting Westerniz ation in Armenia? In other words, Moscow is working on the top, while the West is working from the bottom up.

If this continues, pretty soon the head and the body will be going very separate ways. If we continue pissing-off our only ally in the world, we may eventually lose Artsakh, or worst.

Had it not been for the Karabakh clan , Armenia would have been turned into a Western brothel servicing regional Turks and Islamists a very long time ago. The reverse also works for Moscow.

With a militarized Azerbaijan, Yerevan will have no real choice but to move closer to Russia for protection by allowing Moscow to expand its military presence in Armenia. Those standing in the middle get run over. One of the strongest criticisms I have had about President Serj Sargsyan has been his attempts to make all sides happy. What the president fails to realize, however, is that when you try to make everyone happy, no one is happy, including yourself.

Moreover, the low quality of Armenians today is also at play here. The desire for personal financial benefits is the primary reason why high-ranking Armenian officials are working closely with Western powers today - because Western financial aid is most susceptible to embezzlement. Nevertheless, I think Armenian officials have wasted too much time bending-over to Western powers during the past twenty years.

I understand the political reasoning behind why Yerevan had to take the middle of the road during much of the past twenty years, but a lot has changed since the s.

A multipolar world is coming into existence. The political West, which was never really a friend for Armenia, is clearly in decline. If due to our political illiteracy we are unable to read these signals we will again lose our statehood. Russia is a historic opportunity Russians are well known for their political acumen. Recent developments in the Russian Federation have proven beyond any doubt that they are master strategists and political manipulators.

Moscow has managed to secured its role as the alpha and the omega of the Caucasus against all odds. Moscow has managed to stop or roll back most advances made by Western interests in Eurasia.

We Armenians need to accept the reality that Moscow will do everything in its power to keep Armenia dependent on Russia including assassinations, economic blackmail and of course support. But this is no reason to panic or spread fear because this is a historic opportunity for Armenia. The Russian Federation is providing Armenians with an opportunity Armenia has not had in over one thousands years. I strongly suggests we put aside our collective political illiteracy for once and begin taking advantage of this situation.

Some advise in this regard: By cursing Moscow, by calling them backstabbers, by saying they are no better than Turks and by disseminating Russophobia throughout Armenian society WE ARE NOT taking advantage of the above mentioned situation, we are just turning-off an important friend and making our enemies hopeful of a Russian-Armenian divorce.

When it comes to Armenia, nothing would please Western powers, Turks and Azeris more than a rift between Yerevan and Moscow.

Does Russia want Armenia without Armenians? From an imperial Russian perspective, the region that would later became known as the Armenian Republic was a land that the Russian Empire repopulated with Armenians beginning in the 18th century. It was an imperial Russian agenda to encourage Christian Armenians of the Ottoman Empire and Persia to move to territories acquired in the south Caucasus i.

Russian Armenia. By the turn of the 20th century, however, Armenians were attempting to free Armenia not only from Turkish rule but also from Russian rule. In other words, "brilliant" minds within revolutionary organizations such as the Dashnaks and Hnchaks, both of which were and continue being Socialist and Marxist organizations respectively, were not only trying to liberate Armenia from Ottoman rule, they were also trying to liberate Armenia from Russian rule - at the same time nonetheless!

Real smart politics, no? Is there any depth to our political illiteracy or self-destructive behavior? Are we replicating the idiotic deeds of our "nationalists" one hundred years ago by being at a state of war with Turks and also now doing our best to piss-off Russians at the same time today as well? When imperial Russian troops abruptly pulled-out of Western Armenia in as a result of the Bolshevik revolution, Dashnaks and Hnchaks suddenly realized that they were in no position to defend the territory against genocidal Turks.

Nevertheless, regardless of their anger and much to their credit, Russians never physically harmed the Armenian population anywhere within the Russian Empire.

Although nothing about Armenian politics makes me surprised anymore, I find still however find it hard to believe that there are relatively large numbers of people in Armenian society that are stupid enough to claim that Russians are not much better than Turks. People who bring up the century old rumors about Russians wanting "Armenia without Armenians", political hearsay that need verification or are subject to interpretation, are either intellectual midgets or Western agents - or both.

And people who try to drive a wedge between Yerevan and Moscow are essentially traitors to Armenia. American-Armenian organizations such as Asbarez and individuals such as Ed Azadian should be barred from covering anything other than church picnics and walkathons to raise genocide awareness in the US. And venomous propaganda outlets in Armenia such as Lragir, ArmeniaNow and Radio Liberty need to get shut down and their staff tried in court as foreign operatives.

As I have been saying, one has to search the remotest villages in the deserts of Arabia or the deepest jungle in Africa to find a tribe as politically illiterate as us Armenians.

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Thank God for Russian racism. If Hrachya is in any way like a typical Armenian motorist in Armenia, then he is guilty of vehicular man slaughter in my opinion. One of the many problems Armenia faces today are reckless and aggressive Armenian motorists. Large numbers of Armenians are dying on the streets of Armenia today due to large numbers of motor-vehicle operators who have absolutely no regard for law and public safety.

Freedom fighter or no freedom fighter, if Hrachya is found guilty of breaking any traffic laws in Russia, Russian authorities should lock him up for however long Russian law allows. Allow me to explain what I mean: As mentioned above, the Russian Federation hosts by-far the most successful Armenian Diaspora in the world, where unlike in the West, large numbers of prominent Armenians are found in every layer of Russian society.

However, there are also very large numbers of Armenians in the Russian Federation mostly post-Soviet immigrants who live no better than semi-nomadic gypsies or Asiatic brigands. We of course know of the aforementioned criminally inclined filth from first-hand experiences in Armenia.

It is essentially due to these types of lowlifes that Armenia is in the pathetic shape it is in today. Выходите на Ostrava hl.

В пути 23 мин. Расстояние 8 км. Выходите на Elblag. В арендованном автомобиле.

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В пути 8 ч. Расстояние км. Выходите на Gdansk Airport. Садитесь на автобус Idos на остановке Ostrava Airport. В пути 25 мин. Расстояние 19 км. Перевозчик: Idos. Выходите на Ostrava Dubina. В пути 6 мин. Выходите на Krakow KRK. В пути 17 мин. Выходите на Krakow Glowny. Выходите на Bohumin. Выходите на Ostrava Hlavni Nadrazi. В пути 49 мин.