Port side resort hotel 5 отзывы

Port side resort hotel 5 отзывы

At that time i see another player there, but as it turned out he was just curious of the new quest giver. Акулу выловил в 5 минут по серверу. Комментарий от AntidotE Интересует ответ на такой вопрос: если однажды уже выловил эту акулу, но не сдавал её в тот раз, ещё раз она попасться может в последующие недели?

Would continuously just drop down into the water again after a while, if I managed to find a "hard" point in the water.

Really odd. Комментарий от cloverman84 Won this today - flew from my VoA raid to scholazar basin 5 mins after the comp had started.. Back in 3. Jealous much? Комментарий от Elastik Just lost the fishing derby due to my slow loading. I was standing next to the npc for over a minute waiting for him to load and saw someone else win in the chat.

What a facepalm moment. Upgrade your computer if you want to win this. The event was anounced at and started at Комментарий от Silvertale This contest seems like complete bull to me. The winner is usually announced within the first 5 minutes of the contest.

Is there any amount of fishing skill that you need to fish it up or something? I use a lure, pole and hat that brings my skill up to As I was clicking the complete quest button, some alliance angler won the comp. Small no doubt unintentional bias toward the alliance. Комментарий от I just won on my second week in about 4 to 5 minutes. I was fishing in the lake west of Camp Winterhoof.

The lake itself had around 6 or 7 pools. I ran out of pools and followed the east-most river down to the middle portion of the zone, fishing pools along the way. The place was empty and had minimal travel time. I did all the preparation mentioned here and in other various sites, but i had no luck with Booty Bay fishing contest. The reason was that the place was small, always full of people, and there was too much pvp activity. So, after about attempts i stopped doing the contest. Having done all the other fishing achievements, i knew the best places of pools in Northend and how fast they re-spawn.

By far the best place with pools and really nice re-spawn time, is the place around Skorn in Howling Fjord. This was the place that i fished the turtle and the dark herring. So i tried the second best place with fishing pools which is Sholazar Basin.

So i picked an empty spot at The Lost lands at 68,42 and made the route as seen on the map. Around these pins there is at least one pool assuming that no other has fished recently. I managed to catch the shark, on my 5th attempt on the contest, and on my 15th cast, which was the 4th pool that i fished in, and it was around 58, The time from the beginning of the event until turn in, was mins.

Also make sure your hearthstone is not at CD. On my last cast, i found out that mine had 2 more mins on CD. I hot-keyed the Kirin Tor ring while i was attempting my last cast, and to my surprise a few seconds later i got the shark. I teleport to Dalaran, mount on my chopper and run like hell to the quest giver. At that time i see another player there, but as it turned out he was just curious of the new quest giver. Hot-key all the necessary things you need fishing pole, flying mount, ground mount, water walking potions, hearthstone, Kirin Tor ring, Potions for extra fishing skill , As a Paladin i had Crusader Aura on.


Also try to be on the side where you can see the fishing pool better. Wear headphones to listen the sounds better. Disable addons. This way the Dalaran loading screen will be quicker. Make sure you have decided which reward you want from the quest giver at Dalaran.

As others have said, location and skill are not a factor. As long as the pools drop the pygmy suckerfish you should be good anywhere in Northrend.

Комментарий от I have to admit I was quite disappointed by this quest. I am a Salty title holder shortly after the release of WotLK, and have just come back to the game after a 6 month break.

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I tried the quest for the first time not 20 minutes ago, and by server time a winner was already announced. At that point I asked myself, "Well done Blizzard.

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While I am happy you have given people a better chance at doing an exceptionally hard to obtain Achievement, you took any little measure of skill out of it. Honestly, I think you have to be somewhat crazy to have tried to even do this on a PvP server when there was only the STV event.

Things like having the correct level of fishing skill, taking a little time and effort to know where the fishing holes spawn, bringing some water walking pots for that extra edge, reading the flow of the crowd and working in the opposite direction. At the very least they need to up the number of fish you have to catch, and force you to do a tad more than beat the RNG.

Thx for all the tips. Also after reading through all this I think that Bojyoko might just be on to something. So you have to catch a shark for this one huh? Spawns anywhere that pygmy suckerfish are caught? How about making us catch 2 things.. Lets say the shark is one and something else that doesnt spawn from the same kind of pools?

How about a penguin? The catch to this could be that it much be netted anywhere that Iceburgs are found. Just food for thought. Комментарий от Hm.. As of patch 3. Fishing skill without any bait. So i guess anyone who can fish in Northrend can do this. Just a matter of luck, not skill. Комментарий от I won the derby at my first attempt today. I delivered the quest at realm time. Check the area for other fishers and change your route before derby if necessary.

So if you are in a high populated realm get every kind of help that makes you faster. Trinket, potion etc. I used my rocket boots when I reached to Dalaran. Good luck, you will definitely need it. Комментарий от I won it today. I multibox, so I had a team of 3 camping out in the Glorious Goods shop next to the fountain with a summon stone up full-time, refreshing it the instant it went down. I know not everyone multiboxes, but with a large enough guild you should be able to find a friendly warlock and 2 other people to roll summons on you and your guildmates as you do the event.

Комментарий от Honestly - it comes down to luck. Комментарий от This is really nice, cought the fish in 5 min and teleported to Dalaran and won the competition in 5 min : Was my 19th throw: Logged on and saw the big fellow yell for a derby starting in 5 min, and went to Wowhead.

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